Apr 122021

What’s next for Fatbot Games?

Dear fans!

On behalf of the whole team, let me wish you all good health and stability in this unstable and dangerous time. We highly appreciate the effort and sacrifice of the people fighting the virus, and we also feel for those whose health and/or living have been compromised by the pandemic.

The situation in the last few months has been very serious, including in our own country which is in the top 10 most deaths per capita in the world among countries with a population of over a million people, and so we are very grateful that no one in the team nor any close relative of ours has fallen ill. Thanks to that, we could work more or less undisturbed and release our second game in September of last year (2020).

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 3:16 PM
Aug 302017

Hey guys!

We have great news! Vaporum will be released on September 28th! We are incredibly excited that the game is finally finished and ready for release. These past 2 years of development have been a big challenge for our small team of 4. And now, we just can’t wait for you to get your hands on the game!

The game will come out on the PC Windows platform, in English (both text and voice-overs). We plan to add more languages shortly after. As for other platforms, like Mac, Linux, or consoles, that really depends on how the game does after release and our options.

Share the news and spread the word!

May 162017


Hey folks!

We have a short article about making sounds for you!

I bet you agree with me that sound is a very important part of any game. When working on a game from scratch, you typically start with white boxes for level geometry, placeholder art for UI, and low-quality sounds (if any) for game features. Just so you have some semblance of what it all will look and sound like when it’s done.

Even though the game mechanics may work flawlessly at that stage, it just lacks soul and atmosphere. After many many months of development, when we finally got to a point where all features were set in stone and we were 100% sure about them, we sent a list of sounds to a professional sound designer. When he sent us back the sound files, and we put them in, the game just came alive all of a sudden. It’s a world of difference! For me, personally, this is one of the most rewarding and fun aspects of game development.

Today, our experienced sound designer, Milan Malík, shares with us how he went about making sounds and ambience for Vaporum.

Continue reading »

May 262016

dice picture in vaporum article about randomness

RNG stands for random number generator. In this article, I’ll show you what kind of RNG we use in various chance-based actions in Vaporum.


One of the greatest RNG evils in games is long streaks of success or failure. Especially failure! How we hate to miss the attack 4 times in a row while the hit chance is 80%!

But why even care? We can just use this and be fine, right?

if (UnityEngine.Random.value < myChance) Hit();

Hell no! This most basic approach has exactly the one glaring issue: big streaks of luck or unluck (what a word). You will get them on regular basis. They are bad for your game.

Let’s see what we can do about them pesky streaks.


First, let’s see where we use RNG. Major chance-based actions in Vaporum are:

  • Weapon attacks (enemy attacks too)
  • Critical hits
  • Various on-hit passive skills and traits

To ensure consistent results of various actions, we have an instance of RNG on each of them. Every time an action is checked for success, based on the given chance, the RNG is polled for a result. It either returns true or false, success or failure.

Each weapon (enemy attacks count as weapons too) has two instances of RNG. One for hit chance, one for crit chance. Whenever you attack with a weapon, we check the hit RNG. If we got a hit, we then check the crit RNG.

Other effects, mostly passive traits, are only checked when appropriate. For example, if you have a passive trait that adds a chance to stun the enemy with hammers, and you attack with a hammer, the RNG of the trait is checked. If it succeeds, we apply the stun.


After trying out 3 various RNG systems (designed by us), we decided for the pseudo-random distribution (PRD) model. It gives us consistency of results, almost exclusively eliminates long unprobable streaks, but still leaves some room for occasional short streaks. You can read a fine article about it on this Dota 2 fan page.

The basic premise is that whenever your success check fails, the chance for the next check increases, and this goes on and on until it succeeds. And when it does, the chance is reset back to the base value. The base chance value is not the desired chance (as shown in tooltips for weapons and skills), but a pre-calculated constant. The first check is also run against this constant, not the displayed chance. Read that article to get a gist of it if you haven’t already.

Now the problem is, it’s hard to calculate that constant. As you can see, they have a pre-calculated constant for every 5% up to 80% in Dota 2. That’s fine for Dota, but not for us. We need constants for each percent, from 0% to 100%.

So how we get them? Approximation comes to help!

(It is a console application written in VS2015. Add a reference to System.Windows.Forms in your project (right-click project -> add reference -> ..., profit)).

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PRDTableGenerator
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Run the beast.

            // Wait for input so the console doesn't vanish into thin air.

    public static class PRDPercentageTableGenerator
        // How many cycles to go thru when approximating. The greater the number, the more precise the result, but also greater generation duration.
        private const int statisticCycles = 500000;

        // The maximum allowed deviation of approximated probability from desired probability. Greater equals more precise and time-consuming.
        private const double maxDeviation = 0.00001;

        // Log messages about how we're faring?
        private static bool logEnabled = true;

        // Our basic RNG.
        private static Random random = new Random();

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        private static void Log(string message, params object[] args)
            if (!logEnabled) return;

            Console.WriteLine(message, args);

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        // Check if we succeed with given chance.
        private static bool Roll(double chance)
            return random.NextDouble() < chance;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        // Test whether the given approximated C value results in a probability close enough to the desired probability.
        private static int TestC(double baseVal, double desiredChance)
            var hits = 0;
            var c = baseVal;

            for (var i = 0; i < statisticCycles; i++)
                if (Roll(c))
                    c = baseVal;
                    c += baseVal;

            // Approximated probability.
            var avg = (double)hits / (double)statisticCycles;

            // Deviation from desired probability.
            var diff = avg - desiredChance;

            // Close enough.
            if (Math.Abs(diff) < maxDeviation)
                return 0;

            // Nope! Too little.
            else if (diff < 0)
                return 1;

            // Nope! Too much.
                return -1;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        // Get an approximated C for the given probability.
        private static double ApproximateCValue(double chance)
            // Current C we're trying to get right.
            var triedC = chance;

            // Modifier by which to approximate on failed attempts.
            var mod = triedC * 0.5f;

            while (true)
                // Check if we're close.
                var result = TestC(triedC, chance);

                // Ya bet we are, gringo!
                if (result == 0)
                    Log("Approximated C value: {0}", triedC);
                    return triedC;

                // Nah, we shot too low. Need to up the game.
                else if (result == 1)
                    triedC += mod;

                // Damn it, we overshot. Need to calm it down a lil.
                    triedC -= mod;

                // Decrease the modifier so we're gonna get close enogh eventually.
                mod *= 0.5f;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        private static string GenerateCSharpArray(float[] t)
            var s = string.Empty;

            s += "private static float[] chanceTable = new float[101]\n{\n";

            for (var i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
                s += string.Format("\t/* {0}% */ {1}f,\n", i, t[i]);

            s += "};";

            return s;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------

        // Go go go, soldier!
        public static void Generate()
            // Make sure we use dots as decimal separator.
            var customCulture = (CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();
            customCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;

            // Let's measure how long it takes.
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            // Create the array and fill the boundaries with the known values.
            var t = new float[101];
            t[0] = 0.0f;
            t[100] = 1.0f;

            // Toil away! Assign an approximated C value to each percentage probability in the array.
            for (var i = 1; i < t.Length - 1; i++)
                Log("\nGenerating C value for {0}% chance...", i);
                t[i] = (float)ApproximateCValue(i * 0.01);

            // Write the result, nice and dandy.
            Console.WriteLine("\nResulting array of floats:\n");

            var res = GenerateCSharpArray(t);
            Console.WriteLine("\n(Array copied to clipboard.)");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTo understand how to use pseudo-random distribution in your game, check this cool article: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Pseudo-random_distribution");

            // Write the duration.
            Console.WriteLine("\nGeneration took: {0:F1} seconds", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

Note: Running this takes about 30 seconds on my computer. May vary depending on your rig.

Whoa, so we get a static table now! Here’s how to use it:

using UnityEngine;

public class VapPRDRandom
    private static float[] s_chanceTable = new float[101]
        /* 0% */ 0f,
        /* 1% */ 0.0001611328f,
        /* 2% */ 0.0006103492f,
        /* 3% */ 0.001390287f,
        /* 4% */ 0.002450562f,
        /* 5% */ 0.003812454f,
        /* 6% */ 0.00544064f,
        /* 7% */ 0.007358261f,
        /* 8% */ 0.009589888f,
        /* 9% */ 0.01202478f,
        /* 10% */ 0.01469073f,
        /* 11% */ 0.01783203f,
        /* 12% */ 0.02094635f,
        /* 13% */ 0.02451059f,
        /* 14% */ 0.02819672f,
        /* 15% */ 0.03222107f,
        /* 16% */ 0.03644421f,
        /* 17% */ 0.04079834f,
        /* 18% */ 0.04570862f,
        /* 19% */ 0.05053855f,
        /* 20% */ 0.05546875f,
        /* 21% */ 0.0610963f,
        /* 22% */ 0.06668884f,
        /* 23% */ 0.07258219f,
        /* 24% */ 0.07850874f,
        /* 25% */ 0.08446875f,
        /* 26% */ 0.09119834f,
        /* 27% */ 0.09778266f,
        /* 28% */ 0.1045927f,
        /* 29% */ 0.111832f,
        /* 30% */ 0.1189695f,
        /* 31% */ 0.1262213f,
        /* 32% */ 0.1338988f,
        /* 33% */ 0.1418493f,
        /* 34% */ 0.1500781f,
        /* 35% */ 0.1580311f,
        /* 36% */ 0.1662726f,
        /* 37% */ 0.1752441f,
        /* 38% */ 0.1833201f,
        /* 39% */ 0.1924883f,
        /* 40% */ 0.2017426f,
        /* 41% */ 0.2110553f,
        /* 42% */ 0.220342f,
        /* 43% */ 0.2302755f,
        /* 44% */ 0.2397724f,
        /* 45% */ 0.2494584f,
        /* 46% */ 0.2596484f,
        /* 47% */ 0.27014f,
        /* 48% */ 0.280897f,
        /* 49% */ 0.29093f,
        /* 50% */ 0.3019776f,
        /* 51% */ 0.3127797f,
        /* 52% */ 0.322937f,
        /* 53% */ 0.3341516f,
        /* 54% */ 0.3480469f,
        /* 55% */ 0.360863f,
        /* 56% */ 0.3735327f,
        /* 57% */ 0.3854644f,
        /* 58% */ 0.3983658f,
        /* 59% */ 0.4104217f,
        /* 60% */ 0.4230034f,
        /* 61% */ 0.4348656f,
        /* 62% */ 0.4462058f,
        /* 63% */ 0.4577338f,
        /* 64% */ 0.4695821f,
        /* 65% */ 0.4809301f,
        /* 66% */ 0.4931479f,
        /* 67% */ 0.5079261f,
        /* 68% */ 0.5298079f,
        /* 69% */ 0.5507703f,
        /* 70% */ 0.5715531f,
        /* 71% */ 0.5903955f,
        /* 72% */ 0.611093f,
        /* 73% */ 0.6303659f,
        /* 74% */ 0.649352f,
        /* 75% */ 0.6665279f,
        /* 76% */ 0.6846761f,
        /* 77% */ 0.7016721f,
        /* 78% */ 0.7180756f,
        /* 79% */ 0.7338443f,
        /* 80% */ 0.7496008f,
        /* 81% */ 0.7645162f,
        /* 82% */ 0.7801579f,
        /* 83% */ 0.7954523f,
        /* 84% */ 0.8106738f,
        /* 85% */ 0.8250977f,
        /* 86% */ 0.8370593f,
        /* 87% */ 0.8508409f,
        /* 88% */ 0.8628125f,
        /* 89% */ 0.8759527f,
        /* 90% */ 0.8885157f,
        /* 91% */ 0.9015872f,
        /* 92% */ 0.9131664f,
        /* 93% */ 0.9247211f,
        /* 94% */ 0.9358692f,
        /* 95% */ 0.9473711f,
        /* 96% */ 0.9582562f,
        /* 97% */ 0.9691508f,
        /* 98% */ 0.9795209f,
        /* 99% */ 0.9899905f,
        /* 100% */ 1f,

    private readonly float[] m_accums = new float[101];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    public VapPRDRandom()

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    private void Init()
        for (var i = 0; i < this.m_accums.Length; i++)
            this.m_accums[i] = this.GetC(i);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    private bool Check(float chance)
        return UnityEngine.Random.value < chance;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    private float GetC(int chance)
        return s_chanceTable[chance];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    private void ResetC(int chance)
        this.m_accums[chance] = this.GetC(chance);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    public bool Success(float chance)
        var c = Mathf.RoundToInt((chance * 100.0f));

        if (Check(this.m_accums[c]))
            return true;

        this.m_accums[c] += this.GetC(c);

        return false;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    public static void Test()
        var s = new VapPRDRandom();

        var realChance = 0.0f;
        var realTries = 1;
        var hitStreak = 0;
        var missStreak = 0;
        var subsequentHits = 0;
        var subsequentMisses = 0;

        for (var x = 0; x < realTries; x++)
            var chance = 0.9f;
            var tries = 100000;
            var hits = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < tries; i++)
                if (s.Success(chance))

                    hitStreak = (subsequentHits >= hitStreak) ? subsequentHits : hitStreak;

                    subsequentMisses = 0;
                    missStreak = (subsequentMisses >= missStreak) ? subsequentMisses : missStreak;

                    subsequentHits = 0;

            Debug.LogFormat("Chance: {0:P0}", chance);
            Debug.LogFormat("Tries: {0}", tries);
            Debug.LogFormat("Hits: {0}", hits);
            Debug.LogFormat("Misses: {0}", tries - hits);
            Debug.LogFormat("Hit Streak: {0}", hitStreak);
            Debug.LogFormat("Miss Streak: {0}", missStreak);

            realChance += (float)hits / tries;

        Debug.LogFormat("Real Chance: {0:P1}", realChance / realTries);

Note: The [VapSave] attribute is our fancy save system. You basically just mark anything you want to save and you’re done! Lots of work behind the curtain though! (More on that in a later post, hopefully.)

So, we just pasted the generated constants into a static array, and the rest is fairly straightforward I hope.

You can use the static Test function to test if it gives expected results for various chance percentages. However, that is just a guide. Only playing your game will show if it survives the battle-test!

Now, we need to create instances of the VapPRDRandom in classes that use chance-based actions, and just poll the Success method.

random number generator in vaporum


There are several ways to achieve ‘good’, consistent randomness without the dreaded streaks. For us, the pseudo-random distribution model works like a charm, solving the random issues we struggled with. Hope this helps someone out there, struggling with the same thing.

Already using a system that works for you? Do tell!

May 062016

Hey folks!

Here’s a new video to show the current visuals of the game, which we started working on when going full-time on August 2015.

The biggest change in graphics we did since prototype was switching to PBR (physical-based rendering). We are using PBR Alloy shaders for Unity done by RUST Ltd. The shader pack works very well together with the pair of texturing tools — Substance Designer and Substance Painter from Allegorithmic. These allow us a fast and robust way to create textured assets that share the same basic materials from our own library.

3ds Max, Maya and Zbrush are the usual suspects we use to create models. Since full-time development started, we have also raised the polycount on our assets. This way we can achieve a higher visual fidelity and also give the game a more “eye-candy” feeling. For which we received awesome journalist and public feedback at gaming events we recently attended. (We’ll post about the events later this century. 😉 )

Hope you like the video, and feel free to voice your opinion on our media channels.

Mar 172016

Hey guys! Just a quick update on what we’ve been up to lately.

We did a focus test where we invited various people to come to play our combat test, most of them never having played the game before. We needed to see if we’re on the right track with the real-time combat, melee vs ranged, and various other features in it. Receiving basically universal praise from the testers boosted our confidence in that we had made the right decisions. Of course, the guys also pointed out some flaws, which we quickly fixed after the test was over.


We have about half of all planned enemies in the game, fully functional, running around doing nasty things (mostly to the player). The focus test proved we already have a solid bunch of bad guys where each has different strengths and weaknesses, poses different types of threats, and requires a different approach to beat (lots of differents, eh?).


All basic building bricks like trapdoors, pushable crates, destructibles, levers, teleports, and such are done. We also have a solid design on all the puzzles and game situations, which we build out of these basic bricks.

Inventory, items, and basic RPG system are also fully functional. We have several levels designed on paper, with major puzzles, situations, and storytelling. Our custom level editor allows us to whip up all the corridors, halls, and rooms in no time, so that’s gonna be a blast!

Right now, we are:

  • Enriching our RPG system with all sorts of attributes, skills, talents, traits, and whatnot.
  • Building up GUI so you can play with all the RPG goodies with ease.
  • Adding more enemy types.
  • Adding wallsets and architectural gems.
  • Designing more levels and ways to screw the player. 😉
  • Designing boss encounters, plus the final big boss showdown.

We don’t post often, but rest assured we use all the time to work on the game.

Discuss in our reddit or other social media, share, and have a nice one!

Nov 252015


Sorry to be quiet for so long. We’ve decided to post only about highlights or milestones rather than churning out insignificant posts often. Saved time will always come in handy! Nevertheless, we’ve been working hard on various game systems, levels, and some goodies too.

One of which is the Flamer Guardian. This badass giant of a man has few weaknesses, but a lot of firepower. As with most of our enemies, you will need to devise a tactic to beat him rather than just banging at his thick armor head on.


The Guardian is based on the concept art by Roman Mindek, who is currently working full-time on Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Check his portfolio here!

The big guy is modelled, rigged & animated by our in-house character artist Lukas Chrapek (who is also a big guy 😉 ). Lukas is in charge of the technical side of graphics, besides his bread-and-butter work of character-modelling, rigging, and animating. He previously worked on various projects as a freelancer. Before joining the Vaporum team, he worked at Keen Software House as full-time lead artist on Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers. You can check out his portfolio here.

We have moved to PBR workflow in our project, and Lukas made a damn good use of it on the Guardian. Take a look at the Flamer Guardian in all his glory in Marmoset Viewer here.

Feel free to comment and share on our subreddit, Facebook page, and Twitter.

Feb 272015

To ease testing out maps — to avoid moving the player GO every time we want to start at a different part of the map — we have a player_start object. It teleports the player GO to itself on game start. However, if you could only have 1 such player_start on map, it would kinda defeat the purpose of easing the work, right?


So, we allow to have multiple such GOs in the map. But how to determine at which player_start the player should start? Well, the player_start component has a boolean for that. That’s nice, but if you set that bool on a new player_start, the last player_start that was previously active will still have the bool set to true as well; so the player will be teleported twice, and you can hardly predict where he will end up.

So first you need to set off the currently active player start and then set on the new player start. Easy, right? No, it’s annoying and there’s a better solution! Let’s change those bools on player_starts right in the editor (in edit mode) whenever we change one player start.

For this, there is a nice unity attribute: [ExecuteInEditMode]. It will call the callbacks just as it would in play mode, but only when something changes in the scene; not per frame.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[AddComponentMenu("Vaporum Scripts/Player Start")]
public class VapPlayerStart : VapBehaviour
	[Tooltip("Tick this on to start gameplay here.")]
	public bool on = false;
	bool lastOn = false;
	void Start()
		// Execute only in play mode.
		if (Application.isPlaying)
			// First snap this GO to grid to correct any human mistakes in editing.
			// Teleport player here.
			if (on == true)
				Transform p = VapGM.playerGO.transform;
				p.position = this.transform.position;
				p.rotation = this.transform.rotation;
				// Set TileObject if we're standing on one.
				VapTileObject t = VapGM.GetTileObject(p.position);
				if (t)
	void Update()
		// In editor mode, check if 'on' was changed.
		if (Application.isEditor)
			if (on != lastOn) SetPlayerStart();
	// Sets this component as the only player start on map.
	void SetPlayerStart()
		if (on)
			VapPlayerStart[] list = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(VapPlayerStart)) as VapPlayerStart[];
			foreach (VapPlayerStart p in list)
				if (p != this)
					p.on = false;
		lastOn = on;

I was previously doing this via OnValidate() callback, but that was unreliable. This new solution works like a charm!
